Scale your Online Training for Increased Profitability

Revolutionize your training experience with Oluko’s Training Relationship Management (TRM) schedule-flexible solution, tailored for fitness, sports, music, and professional services organizations who are (or want to be) investing in 1:1 training! 

Unlock the power to globally elevate your premium, personalized online training initiatives, maximizing customer lifetime value.

Empowered Coaching

Our platform empowers your coaches to efficiently manage multiple clients from a centralized hub, ensuring seamless communication and coordination.

Dynamic Student-Coach Partnerships

Students enjoy a dynamic partnership with coaches who understand their goals, focus areas, and individual history. All interactions happen at the students' convenience.

Effortless Growth and Profitability

Embrace Oluko to set yourself apart, expand service offerings, and boost profitability effortlessly.

With Oluko, redefine success in training!

With Oluko, redefine success in training!

Increase Revenue Without Increasing FTE Spend

Unleash the power of our dynamic Training Relationship Management (TRM) solution, enabling a single coach to effortlessly juggle dozens, or even hundreds, of 1:1 training engagements concurrently—without breaking a sweat! Now, supercharge your coaching efficiency and amplify your impact as you seamlessly spread coaching costs across 10-100x clients. Experience the exhilaration of skyrocketing margins, streamlined workflows, and a turbocharged boost to customer lifetime value. With Oluko, it’s not just a win; it’s a victory lap for both you and your coaches! Elevate your coaching game to unparalleled heights.

Differentiate with Personalized Remote Training

Empower your coaching journey with Oluko, where both the trainer and the learner take the reins, deciding when and where to ignite their training brilliance.

Unlike rigid live sessions that confine students to set schedules, Oluko’s platform unleashes the power of asynchronicity.

Picture this:

Coaches and students dive into sessions at their convenience, breaking free from the constraints of pre-determined dates and times. Coaches orchestrate targeted video training sessions, seamlessly assigning them to eager learners, who, armed with just their phones, can capture their newfound skills in action.

But here's the magic:

Coaches dive into those recordings, adding precise critiques, guidance, and form adjustments, transforming each session into a personalized masterpiece. Say goodbye to the limitations of live training; with Oluko, the possibilities are boundless!

Differentiate with Personalized Remote Training

Empower your coaching journey with Oluko, where both the trainer and the learner take the reins, deciding when and where to ignite their training brilliance.

Unlike rigid live sessions that confine students to set schedules, Oluko’s platform unleashes the power of asynchronicity.

Picture this:

Coaches and students dive into sessions at their convenience, breaking free from the constraints of pre-determined dates and times. Coaches orchestrate targeted video training sessions, seamlessly assigning them to eager learners, who, armed with just their phones, can capture their newfound skills in action.

But here's the magic:

Coaches dive into those recordings, adding precise critiques, guidance, and form adjustments, transforming each session into a personalized masterpiece. Say goodbye to the limitations of live training; with Oluko, the possibilities are boundless!

Catapult Customer Loyalty with Your Expertise Mastery

Elevate your status as the ultimate subject matter expert using our dynamic learning and content management solution. Unleash a powerhouse of knowledge through a video-centric library and rich written training content, curated for your trainers to assign and your eager learners to explore at their convenience. This reservoir of expertise ensures your customers stay captivated, reliant, and fiercely loyal, as your organization emerges as their unrivaled go-to hub for all things related to your domain. Let your expertise be the magnet that keeps customers coming back for more!

Revolutionize Learning: Unleash Unparalleled Personalized Training Experiences

Elevate your status as the ultimate subject matter expert using our dynamic learning and content management solution. Unleash a powerhouse of knowledge through a video-centric library and rich written training content, curated for your trainers to assign and your eager learners to explore at their convenience. This reservoir of expertise ensures your customers stay captivated, reliant, and fiercely loyal, as your organization emerges as their unrivaled go-to hub for all things related to your domain. Let your expertise be the magnet that keeps customers coming back for more!

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